BIMCO Video Library

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Russian Sanctions: What is the new normal and what can we expect going forward?
The role of biofuels in the new regulatory landscape. With Bill Stamatopoulos
EU ETS in practice with Morten Grønbech Terp
Force Majeure in Shipbuilding – basics and practices with Ronin Zong, Partner, Wikborg Rein
Are Checklists for Compliance, Safety, or Both? With Terje Lovoy
Blue Visby for Beginners. With Haris Zografakis & BIMCO's Grant Hunter
Panama Canal operations under the current water level challenges. With Boris M. Moreno V.
New EU sustainability regulations: Compliance or creating long-term value? With Andreas Rasche
Decommissioning in Brazil: what is on the horizon? With Carolina França