BIMCO Search Results

Standard Time Sheet Short Form

The Standard Time Sheet (short form) was published in 1975 and is recommended by BIMCO and FONASBA (the Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents) to assist in the calculation of laytime. The latest edition of this document in the Standard Time Sheet (short form), issued in 1975... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Sale and leaseback – BIMCO’s next move in ship financing

In October, an Asian-based subcommittee involving major players within the ship owning and ship leasing communities will begin work to develop a term sheet for sale and leaseback transactions to meet a rise in demand and to complete the suite of three term sheets available for financiers, shipowners... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Following the successful launch of BIMCO’s bilateral term sheet in 2017, SHIPTERM, it was agreed to develop a complementary form for syndicated loan transactions. The Documentary Committee approved this syndicated edition, named SHIPTERM S, in May 2018. BIMCO is grateful to the following subcommitte... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Background Nature of the term sheet Preamble Part I Clause 1 (Facility) Clause 2 (Purpose) Clause 3 (Drawdown) Clause 4 (Repayment) Clause 5 (Cancellation and Prepayment) Clause 6 (Interest) Clause 7 (Fees) Clause 8 (Finance Documents) Clause 9 (... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Terminal operators engaged in the loading and discharging of high density solid bulk cargoes are not always aware of the increased stress, torsional, bending and shear forces to which a vessel may b subjected during these operations, Very often speed of loading or discharging is the only considerati... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

 The following Explanatory Notes are designed to provide some background information on the clauses of the various parts of the contract. Part I  Box 1 - Place and Date  Box 2 - Owners (Full style and address) Box 3 - Contractors (Full style and address) Box 4 - Vessel’s... Please follow the link to continue reading.