BIMCO Search Results


Background Emission Schemes are “cap and trade” schemes that cap the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by certain vessels covered by the system.  Over time, this cap is reduced as an incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fu... Please follow the link to continue reading.


GENCOA A 2022 is BIMCO’s standard contract of affreightment for dry bulk cargoes. It is one of two versions of GENCOA revising the latest version of the contract issued in 2004: GENCOA A - a framework contract that can be used with different voyage charter parties for different trades; and GENCOA ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Standard term sheet and new agency agreement top Documentary Committee agenda

The Documentary Committee, under the chairmanship of Mr Francis Sarre, met in Copenhagen on 17 November in Copenhagen for its regular autumn meeting. Following two years’ intensive work involving owners, lawyers and financial institutions, a new Standard Term Sheet for Bilateral Financing was adopte... Please follow the link to continue reading.