BIMCO Search Results


The TANKWAYBILL 81 is a non-negotiable waybill that was developed to be used for shipments under tanker voyage charter parties.


The WORLDFOODRECEIPT 99 is a non-negotiable cargo receipt that was developed to be used for shipments under the WORLDFOOD 99 charter party. The latest edition of this cargo receipt is WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017 and the latest edition of the charter party is WORLDFOOD 2017.

BIMCO/IPTA Vegoil Tank Pre-wash Clause

BIMCO/IPTA Vegoil Tank Pre-wash Clause (a) If following discharge of the cargo the Vessel is required to pre-wash its cargo tanks prior to leaving the discharge port in order to comply with MARPOL 73/78 Annex II or any other national or local laws or regulations, the Charterers shall pay compensatio... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The LINEWAYBILL is a non-negotiable liner sea waybill. The latest edition of this waybill is LINEWAYBILL 2016. This amended edition incorporates the International Group of P&I Clubs/BIMCO Himalaya Clause for Bills of Lading and other contracts 2014, an updated layout and signature box, and a referen... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The CHEMTANKWAYBILL 85 is a non-negotiable waybill that was developed to be used for shipments of chemicals under the CHEMTANKVOY charter party.

Ship financing just got less complicated

BIMCO has developed a new standard term sheet for syndicated ship financing (SHIPTERM S) – the first industry standard of its kind for syndicated loans. The term sheet was approved for publication at BIMCO’s biannual Documentary Committee meeting on May 2 in New York.