BIMCO Search Results


The WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017 is a non-negotiable cargo receipt that was developed to be used for shipments under the WORLDFOOD 2017 charter party. The latest edition of this cargo receipt is WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017. Copyright in WORLDFOODRECEIPT 2017 is held by BIMCO.


The latest edition of this waybill is GENWAYBILL 2016.


The MULTIWAYBILL is a non-negotiable waybill to be used for multimodal transports. The latest edition of this waybill is MULTIWAYBILL 2016. This amended edition incorporates the International Group of P&I Clubs/BIMCO Himalaya Clause for Bills of Lading and other contracts 2014, an updated layout and... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Shipmanagers' Letter of Undertaking

The Shipmanagers’ Letter of Undertaking (LoU) is a model letter for use in third party arrangements where shipmanagers maintain and operate the vessel but have no financial involvement or interest in its ownership. The content of the LoU is based on provisions commonly found in market documentation ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Cyber Security Clause 2019

BIMCO Cyber Security Clause 2019 In this Clause the following terms shall mean: “Cyber Security Incident” is the loss or unauthorised destruction, alteration, disclosure of, access to, or control of a Digital Environment. “Cyber Security” is technologies, processes, procedures and controls that are ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Subclause (a) determines the governing law; the place of arbitration; the applicable arbitration legislation; and the seat of arbitration (where the arbitration takes place in a jurisdiction other than the agreed place of arbitration). It is an “exclusive” arbitration agreement. This is emphasised b... Please follow the link to continue reading.