BIMCO Search Results

Bunker Non-Lien Clause for Time Charter Parties 2014

The objective of the Bunker Non-Lien Clause is to provide a pre-emptive mechanism to protect owners by requiring time charterers to inform their counterparty, the seller, at the outset that bunkers ordered are being supplied for their account and that no lien can be placed over the vessel.


The latest edition of this waybill is LINEWAYBILL 2016.

BIMCO expels ShipNEXT from membership

BIMCO has terminated its agreement with ShipNEXT that allowed the use of BIMCO contracts on its trading platform and expelled the company from its membership after it repeatedly and falsely claimed that BIMCO supported its trading platform.

BIMCO updates New York and Singapore arbitration clause options

A new edition of BIMCO’s Dispute Resolution Clause has been published. New wording has been added to the US law, New York arbitration option to ensure that non-maritime contracts (such as shipbuilding contracts) are not inadvertently excluded from the scope of the clause.