BIMCO Search Results


The WORLDFOODWAYBILL is a non-negotiable waybill that was developed to be used for shipments under the WORLDFOOD charter party. The latest edition of this waybill is WORLDFOODWAYBILL, issued in 1989.

BIMCO to publish standard refund guarantee to eliminate legal uncertainty

BIMCO is developing a standard refund guarantee for shipbuilding contracts, including the SAJ and Chinese forms. The current issue is that English law and jurisprudence on guarantees is contradictory, complex and often very difficult to understand from a commercial perspective, and as a result small... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Port Call Data Exchange Clause 2021

The Port Call Data Exchange Clause is designed specifically for use with the IMO data model framework for ships that will call at ports where the scheme has been implemented and where the exchange of ship/port information requires the IMO data format.