BIMCO Search Results


The Soviet Fertilizer Charter Party, FERTISOV, was developed for shipments of fertilisers including muriate of potash and urea from USSR ports. Copyright in this document is held by V/O Sojuzpromexport.

Dispute Resolution Clause 2017

This is the 2017 edition of the Dispute Resolution Clause. The clause has been developed to re-introduce of the LMAA Intermediate Claims Procedure.

Explanatory notes

The BIMCO Stevedore Damage Clauses have been revised and updated to reflect current commercial practice and to provide a balanced solution to this often contentious issue. The Clauses were adopted by the Documentary Committee at its meeting in London in May 2008.  For the sake of clarity the title o... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The BIMCO Stevedore Damage Clauses have been revised and updated to reflect current commercial practice and to provide a balanced solution to this often contentious issue. The Clauses were adopted by the Documentary Committee at its meeting in London in May 2008.  For the sake of clarity the title o... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Cargo Handling Gear Clause

BIMCO Cargo Handling Gear Clause Vessel is equipped with the following cargo handling gear in good working order: ..........................., ........................... which are at Charterers' free disposal, whenever required, together with corresponding running gear and with the necessary motive... Please follow the link to continue reading.

U.S. Wharfage Clause

BIMCO U.S. Wharfage Clause Vessel dockage, if assessed, to be for account of the vessel whereas any wharfage assessment against or based upon tonnage loaded and/or discharged to be for account of the Charterers or Receivers of the cargo.

Centrocon Strike Clause (Recommended Alteration)

BIMCO Centrocon Strike Clause (Recommended Alteration) RECOMMENDED ALTERATION After the words: "obstructions and stoppages beyond the control of the charterers" add the words: "caused by riots, civil commotion, a strike or lock-out".


The Black Sea Timber Charter Party was developed for shipment of timber from USSR and Romanian Black Sea and Danube ports. Copyright in this document is held by Shipchartering Co-ordinating Bureau, Moscow. The latest edition of this contract is BLACKSEAWOOD, issued in 1973.


The Baltic Wood Charter Party was developed for the wood trade from the Baltic and the North Sea (with the exception of Russian ports) to the U.K. and Ireland. The latest edition of this contract is NUBALTWOOD, issued in 1997.

Sanctions Clause for box lines takes pragmatic approach

Many container operators use charter party trade limits as a sanctions management tool when operating liner services between non-sanctioned countries. To provide an alternative contractual solution and to proactively address the current trend to impose sanctions on the shipping industry, BIMCO is cu... Please follow the link to continue reading.