BIMCO Search Results

We want your opinion on the new edition of BARGEHIRE

BIMCO has been busy updating BARGEHIRE 2008 and the project is close to completion. But before we finalise and publish the new edition in March, we would like to hear the views of barge owners, operators and charterers. Your comments and views received by 13 January 2021 will help shape a successful... Please follow the link to continue reading.


SALEFORM is the Norwegian Shipbrokers’ Association’s international memorandum of agreement for the sale and purchase of ships. Copyright in this document is held by the Norwegian Shipbrokers’ Association. The latest edition of this contract is SALEFORM 2012.

SHIPMAN revision well underway

BIMCO is revising its popular suite of ship management and related third-party management agreements. SHIPMAN is the first to be revised.