BIMCO Search Results


LNGVOY is a voyage charter party for the carriage of liquefied natural gas. Copyright in this document is held jointly by BIMCO and GIIGNL (International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers). The latest edition of this contract is LNGVOY, issued in 2016.

INTERTANKO Terminals Conditions of Use Clause

INTERTANKO Terminal Conditions of Use Clause (a) For the purposes of this clause, ‘Conditions of Use’ (COU) shall mean any agreement, terms or document that the Owner, or the Master on behalf of the Owner, is required to sign or otherwise accept in order for the Vessel to call, access or otherwise m... Please follow the link to continue reading.

BIMCO and INTERTANKO publish Q&As for scrubber-fitted ships

BIMCO and INTERTANKO have jointly published Q&As addressing the contractual implications owners and charterers should keep in mind when chartering ships fitted with scrubbers. The Q&As highlight the key charter party clauses and concepts which should be reviewed for both time and voyage charter part... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The MUNTAJATCHARTER is a standard fertiliser voyage charter party that has been developed for the Qatar Chemical and Petrochemical Marketing and Distribution Company (Muntajat) Q.J.S.C. It replaces the QAFCOCHARTER. This charter party should be used together with the MUNTAJATBILL bill of lading. The... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Guarantee Clauses

BIMCO Guarantee Clauses Personal Guarantee "In consideration of the execution by you, at my request, of a charterparty, a copy of which is attached, chartering for a period of ........... the vessel ............ to ........... of ............. hereinafter called ............. I hereby agree as fol... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The POLCOALVOY voyage charter party was developed for the coal trade out of Poland. The latest edition of this contract is POLCOALVOY, issued in 1997. Copyright in POLCOALVOY is held by BIMCO.

FuelEU Maritime

See an quick overview of all BIMCO's articles, contracts and clauses related to FuelEU Maritime