BIMCO Search Results


The NIPPONCOAL coal voyage charter party was published by the Documentary Committee of the Japan Shipping Exchange and adopted by BIMCO. The latest edition of this contract is NIPPOCOAL, issued in 1983.

GENCON 2020 Seminar – We want to hear your opinion!

The shipping industry’s most widely used dry cargo voyage charter party, GENCON, is being revised and updated for the first time in 25 years and will be published later this year. BIMCO is delighted to invite you to a free seminar on the revised GENCON 1994 charter party and wants to hear your opini... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Optimisation and GHG reduction are key in new BIMCO Just in Time Arrival Clause

Successfully implementing a Just In Time (JIT) arrival scheme is dependent not only on an efficient operational framework but also on important contractual considerations. Therefore, BIMCO has formed a small group of experts to help draft a new Just In Time Clause which will focus on these contractu... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Syria - Freight tax

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