BIMCO Search Results

ETS – Emission Scheme Freight Clause for COAs 2024

This clause is one from a suite of three clauses developed by the subcommittee for Contracts of Affreightment (COAs). The objective was to provide industry stakeholders with the flexibility to choose a procedure suitable for their specific trade and business. You should consider whether this ETS – E... Please follow the link to continue reading.

P. & I. Bunker Deviation Clause, 1948

P. & I. Bunker Deviation Clause, 1948 The vessel in addition to all other liberties shall have liberty as part of the contract voyage and at any stage thereof to proceed to any port or ports whatsoever whether such ports are on or off the direct and/or customary route or routes to the ports of loadi... Please follow the link to continue reading.

LNGVOY shown to Japanese market

New LNG voyage charter party LNGVOY was the focus of a seminar held at the Japan Shipping Exchange on 21 October jointly presented by BIMCO and law firm Stephenson Harwood.

Final review of ASBAGASVOY draft – have your say

Following a first industry consultation on ASBAGASVOY – a gas tanker voyage charter party based on ASBATANKVOY – the joint BIMCO/ASBA subcommittee in charge of developing the new charter party has agreed a revised draft and invites comments from the entire gas tanker industry.

Optional gas specific clauses to assist users of ASBAGASVOY

The drafting team set up by BIMCO and the Association of Ship Brokers & Agents (U.S.A.), Inc. (ASBA) to develop the recently published gas tanker charter party ASBAGASVOY has drafted a document containing additional clauses for possible use with the new charter.