BIMCO Search Results


GENCOA B 2022 is BIMCO’s standard contract of affreightment for dry bulk cargoes. It is one of two versions of GENCOA revising the latest version of the contract issued in 2004: GENCOA A - a framework contract that can be used with different voyage charter parties for different trades; and GENCOA ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


SERVICECON is a standard service contract whereby a shipper undertakes to transport a minimum number of containers over an agreed given period. It has been developed to provide a basis for volume carriage in liner trades worldwide. Individual shipments are subject to the contracting carrier’s own bi... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The latest edition of this contract is SHIPMAN 2024. Copyright in SHIPMAN 98 is held by BIMCO.

BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018

The BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018 is a standard contract for the purchase and supply of marine fuels to ships. The latest edition of this contract is BIMCO Bunkers Terms 2018. Copyright in the BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018 is held by BIMCO.


The NIPPONCOAL coal voyage charter party was published by the Documentary Committee of the Japan Shipping Exchange and adopted by BIMCO. The latest edition of this contract is NIPPOCOAL, issued in 1983.

ETS – Emission Scheme Freight Clause for COAs 2024

This clause is one from a suite of three clauses developed by the subcommittee for Contracts of Affreightment (COAs). The objective was to provide industry stakeholders with the flexibility to choose a procedure suitable for their specific trade and business. You should consider whether this ETS – E... Please follow the link to continue reading.

ASBAGASVOY charter aims to be first choice for gas trade

Feedback from the gas industry on the draft ASBAGASVOY charter party shows that ASBA and BIMCO, who are working together to develop the new contract, are on the right track. The view is supported by BIMCO’s Documentary Committee.