BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

Introduction In March 2009 BIMCO published its Piracy Clause for Time Charter Parties. The Clause was drafted in response to industry demand for a comprehensive contractual provision dealing with rights, obligations, responsibilities, liabilities and costs related to piracy under a time charter. The... Please follow the link to continue reading.


GENCON is a standard voyage charter party. It is a general-purpose agreement for the services of a ship in exchange for freight and can be used in a variety of trades. The latest edition is GENCON 2022.

Explanatory notes

Background Sea Traffic Management (STM) is designed to contribute to a safer, more efficient and environmentally friendlier maritime sector through the development and use of information shared between different stakeholders. STM embraces a range of services including computer-recommended route adju... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Have your say on the upcoming ASBATANKVOY form

Have your say on the upcoming ASBATANKVOY form revision by industry experts. Join the conversation and influence the modernisation of this vital tanker voyage charter party, not revised since 1977. Be a part of the industry consultation starting in November 2023.