BIMCO Search Results


The latest edition of this contract is BARGEHIRE 2021.

BIMCO adopts ship financing term sheet

In a landmark decision, BIMCO cemented its move into the domain of ship financing with the Documentary Committee’s approval of a standard term sheet for use in ship financing transactions on 17 November 2016.


The PANSTONE voyage charter party was developed for the stone trade out of ports in the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and the continent between Elbe and Brest. The latest edition of this contract is PANSTONE, issued in 1995.


The NIPPONORE iron ore voyage charter party was published by the Documentary Committee of the Japan Shipping Exchange and adopted by BIMCO. The latest edition of this contract is NIPPONORE, issued in 1973.


The latest edition of this contract is CREWMAN B (lump sum) 2009.


The YARACHARTER is modelled on the HYDROCHARTER 1997 edition. The YARABILL bill of lading is the accompanying contract of carriage. The latest edition of this contract is YARACHARTER, issued in 2006.


MINREPCON 2018 is a standard contract for minor afloat repairs at a commercial berth or anchorage. It is not meant to be an alternative to REPAIRCON 2018, which is the recommended contract for contracting with ship repairers or major sub-contractors. MINREPCON 2018 is intended to be used by shipowne... Please follow the link to continue reading.