BIMCO Search Results

SUPPLYTIME Masterclass

This masterclass examines different versions of the SUPPLYTIME contract and the practical and legal differences using SUPPLYTIME for other purposes than OSV/AHTS.


SEV-GUARDCON is a standard contract for security escort vessels (SEVs) that accompany merchant ships in high threat areas such as the Gulf of Guinea. It has been drafted to enable for cross-border transits where an SEV is needed to accompany the owners’ vessel through the Exclusive Economic Zone (EE... Please follow the link to continue reading.


LAYUPMAN is a standard contract for the laying up of ships. The owners appoint the managers to carry out the services in relation to the laying up of the ship as agents for and on behalf of the owners. The latest edition of this contract is LAYUPMAN, issued in 2011. Copyright in LAYUPMAN is held by ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The latest edition of this contract is TOWCON 2021.

BIMCO launches ship sale and purchase agreement

BIMCO has produced its own ship sale and purchase agreement - SHIPSALE 22 – with the aim of making the authoring, negotiation and execution process faster and simpler, and to provide the market with a modern and comprehensive alternative to existing sale and purchase forms.