BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

Part I  Part I I Clause 1 - Definition  Clause 2 - The Services Clause 3 - Company Representative  Clause 4 - Change of Method of Work and/or Personnel, Craft and Equipment Clause 5 - Miscellaneous Clause 6 - Permits Clause 7 - Termination Clause 8 - Delivery... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Part I Part II  Clause 1 - Definition Clause 2 - The Services Clause 3 - Company Representative Clause 4 - Change of Method of Work and/or Personnel, Craft and Equipment Clause 5 - Miscellaneous Clause 6 - Permits  Clause 7 - Delays Clause 8 - Suspension or Te... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Best opportunity in years to combat Gulf of Guinea piracy

Historically, piracy attacks in the Gulf of Guinea see a spike during the dry season which normally lasts from October/November to March/April. What is different this year is that Nigeria has launched a comprehensive set of anti-piracy capabilities and at least two international navies will have ver... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Part I Part II Clause 1 - Definition Clause 2 - The Services Clause 3 - Company Representative Clause 4 - Change of Method of Work  and/or Personnel, Craft and Equipment Clause 5 - Miscellaneous Clause 6 - Permits Clause 7 - Delays Clause 8 - Termination Clause ... Please follow the link to continue reading.


In January 2010 BIMCO initiated a project to develop slow steaming clauses for use in time and voyage charter parties. While work on the voyage charter party clause is still on-going, the clause for time charter parties was adopted by BIMCO’s Documentary Committee at its meeting in Copenhagen in Nov... Please follow the link to continue reading.