BIMCO Search Results

COVID 19 - BIMCO supports the industry with contracts and clauses

The recently imposed new restrictions in several ports will have an impact on the operations of ships. Performing crew changes will very likely become more difficult and result in floating quarantines, meaning that more delays and disruptions in supply chains can be expected. With the new variant c... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

The COVID-19 Crew Change Clause has been drafted in response to the extraordinary circumstances faced by many owners whose crew have had to remain on board during the COVID-19 “lockdown” for periods often extending beyond their contracts of employment. Although travel restrictions are beginning to e... Please follow the link to continue reading.

A special Christmas tribute to seafarers initiative

To show solidarity and support for seafarers during this COVID-19 challenging times, a special tribute to seafarers for the coming Christmas has been planned. BIMCO members are encouraged to participate to send out a strong message of support and appreciation for these key workers.

General port information access to be limited to members

Since March, when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, the BIMCO port information database has been publicly open and free to use. However, as the virus gradually retreats and a new normal is expected, the general port information – including holiday information – will once again be limited to BIMCO me... Please follow the link to continue reading.